Thursday, May 18, 2006

But if You Left It Up to Me, Everyday Would Be a Holiday from Real

Last time I said I would put up pictures, so here they are. I never put up pictures from the NYC and Boston trip we took in December, so I'll do those.
This was the view out of our hotel room on the morning of the snow storm. Beautiful New York.

The sister and I outside the Greek Restaurant near Barnard College.

The Empire State building. I remember when this picture was taken - we were climbing out of the subway and it appeared in front of us, and I remember how silver it looked.

The General Assembly at the UN.

We recognized this statue outside the UN. In case you don't, let me refresh your memory. Turns out that it was a gift from Finland, so it all makes sense.

Watching the ice skaters at Rockefeller Center.

We are little Triceratops babies, and we are sad because we are extinct. So...we're weird.

Heck yes T-Rex.

Wellesley College. I mean, what?

And now for something completely different. Here's the last day or so in 4 points:
1. A's Game last night. Killed the Mariner's. 7-2.
2. My jaw hurts. Ow. Random.
3. Addicted to Home and Garden TV. Sad. I think I'm turning into my Mom. But at least I'll have a really cool house someday.
4. Otherwise, have just been pretty lazy. Everyone else is either at school or working. Maybe I'll do something today. Maybe right now. Ciao.


At 5/19/2006 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm, so i am dorkily excited that you updated your blog TWO TIMES in the last couple of days!!!! i am such a blog stalker. anyway. i want to be able to see you soon, but i dunno how that's gonna work our with our busy schedules, boo-hoo. buy yay for pictures and updated blogs! talk to you soon caroline!


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